07th Dec 2015

Happy Birthday Transition Town Kinsale from Rob Hopkins

22nd Oct 2015

The Work That Reconnects

Evening workshop : Kinsale Friary Tue 3rd November 7pm Day workshop Wed 4th November 10 – 4pm venue yet to be confirmed We live in a time of a planetary...

30th Aug 2015

See photos & video of Transition Town Kinsale’s 10th Birthday

We had a lovey afternoon of music, games, craic and lovely local food to celebrate our 10th birthday !  

30th Jul 2015

Kinsale marks a decade as world’s first ever ecotown

Kinsale proves that exhilarating new enterprises can transform towns into places of possibility.

30th Jul 2015

Transition International Conference

Transition International Conference happening in Devon, UK on 18th -24th September.

20th May 2015
Graphics by Jeannie Timony

Transition Town Kinsale and Tidy Towns Celebrate Biodiversity Week

Transition Town Kinsale and Tidy Towns Kinsale working together for the community. Kinsale Community Orchard is a beautiful space at the far end of Saile

22nd Apr 2015

Mark Your Calenders : Go Wild with Transition Town Kinsale and Tidy Towns

Not quite a teddy bears picnic ;) but a walk and talk and a picnic in the woods (Scilly Woods) with Ted Cook

09th Apr 2015

Scilly Woods Clean Up and Picnic

Join Transition Town Kinsale and Tidy Towns, for a sociable day whilst helping to keep our local woods clean and beautiful.

12th Nov 2014

Transition Town Kinsale Annual Meetup

Annual Meetup Wednesday 19th November, 7.30pm All are welcome to attend.

12th Nov 2014

Climate Change Talk and Film

Climate Change Event Carmellite Friary Space Thurs 13th November 7.30pm

15th Oct 2014

Transition Town Kinsale is Better Together

Transition Town Kinsale is a voluntary community initiative working to help make the transition from a dependency on fossil fuel to a low carbon future.

19th Sep 2014

Permaculture Course at Kinsale College

Places are still available for this year (2014-15) on the Sustainable Horticulture/ Permaculture course at Kinsale College.